Learn To Dance Salsa

Havana Salsa Online Course Membership

Level 1 Beginners - Part 2 (of 2)

What you will learn
  • Dance the basics of Cuban Salsa
  • Lead and follow basic Salsa patterns​
  • Feel confident on the dance floor
  • A good foundation for level 2 and 3 involving more improver and intermediate steps


Access period: 60 days from date of purchase *

(image representative of attendance based class)


Salsa music is phrased in counts of 8. All of the steps you will be learning will fit into an 8 count rythm. However, 2 of the counts are pauses. You will dance on counts of 1,2,3, then pause on 4, and continue to dance on 5,6,7 and pause on 8.  This is part 2 of a 2 part (or 8 week) course.

Who is this course for?

For anyone that has completed the level 1  part 1 – 4 week course and wants to progress and connect with Improvers level 2

What you'll need

Clothing: A pair of smooth soled shoes or trainers, the type you can walk in for about an hour and not hurt your feet. Anything that stays with your entire foot when you lift it, and allows you to pivot comfortably on hard wood floors. We advise NO slippers, mules, or footwear that leaves your heel when you lift your foot.

Flats and heels are both OK.

Clothes: anything that’s comfortable and allows easy movement of your arms and legs especially.

Patience and Practice: Salsa is great fun, and once you start to progress it’s also quite challenging, which adds to the fun.

So you should have time to learn, practice, review, and practice again. Repitiion and muscle memory is very important in Salsa.

Eventually though, you’ll get the hang of it. And once you get the basics, the additional complexity and moves become second nature and you’ll want to build on that.

It’s fun, challengin, exciting, and rewarding in so many ways.

A Partner? Yes and No. One of the advantages of our online Salsa classes is that you can learn in your own time, in your own way. Salsa is a partner oriented dance though, so it’s very helpful to have a partner to practice with, and it will definitely help your learning progress.

If however you wish to learn on your own so you can pick up the foundation before attending our venue based classes or even a social Salsa party, then these online course are a perfect starting point!

* Access Period: you will have 60 days from date of purchase to access this online course. After that your access will automatically expire.